Each of the pages on my website hopes to provide a little glimpse into who I am and how I work. Please refer to my testimonials page to see other people's thoughts on my work! The below provides an overview of my qualifications, courses I have attended and my personal interests.
CAP Petit Enfance full early years diploma (equivalent to a 2 year NNEB/CACHE course in the UK). France
June 1998
BA Honours, History & American Studies. University of Hull, Hull. UK
June 1994
A Level English, History, French, General Studies. The Radcliffe School, UK
Continued Professional Development (CPD) courses:
2022 - 2023
Holistic sleep coaching mini course - Lyndsey Hookway
Dr Helen Allergy and Eczema Help Course
BABYEM - Infant Allergies, Reflux & Colic Training
Greta - Accompagner l'evolution motrice et sensorielle de l'enfant
Eric - Toileting - Supporting Children with Additional Needs
Rric - Supporting Childrens Toilet Training
DR Martha Collado - Toilet Training course
Dr Martha Collado - Confident Parent Course
2019 - 2021
Developmental Baby Massage Certified Teacher - Peter Walker
All things birth and beyond - Newborn Feeding - All You Need To Know
Greta - Parler avec on mot un signe - Child signing training.
Allergy Academy - GP Gastroenterology & Food Allergies
Public Health England - Psychological First Aid ; supporting children & young people
Allergy Academy - Practical Management of Food Allergies in Children
BRTP - Birth Trauma & Maternal Complications
BRTP - Reflux & Early Allergies
2014 – 2018
Be Ready to Parent (BRTP) accredited courses –
Infant Sleep.
Infant Feeding/Breastfeeding.
Post Natal Depression.
Reflux and Early Allergy.
Maternity Nurse Association Sleep Study Day.
In Safe Hands Sleep & Safeguarding
September 2016
CAP Petit Enfance EP1. France
January 2016
DDSP Child Development course part 2 (60 hours) - credits towards CAP Petit Enfance. France.
November 2014
NEST Breastfeeding Level 3 diploma. South Kensington, London. Distinction.
March 2012
DDSP Child Development course part 1 (60 hours) - credits towards CAP Petit Enfance. France.
NHS/ UNICEF Infant feeding study day.
October 2007
NEST Post Natal Care (Maternity Nurse). Amersham, Bucks. Level 3. Distinction.
July 2000
DDSP Child Development Course. 60 hours.
In addition:
Emergency Pediatric First Aid certificate. Tigerlily March 2018. Also 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006. UK.
Croix Rouge ‘Initiation de Formation aux Premiers Secours’ First aid certificate obtained June 2004.
A.F.P.S (attestation de formation aux premiers secours) First Aid Certificate. Obtained October 2003.